[FROM APEC TO IPEF] Ravaging the Global South


This webinar features discussion on free trade and neoliberal globalization, with APEC as one example of multilateral agreements that have destroyed economies of the South to buoy the rich economies of the North (e.g. US) and swell the profits of the TNCs. A stark historical outlook will be tackled by tracing various free trade agreements […]

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On IUUF and WTO elimination of subsidies


Primer on WTO fisheries subsidies is now available online. Score your free copy now! You can also watch the replay of WTO Fishing in Troubled Waters webinar here: https://www.facebook.com/APRNet/videos/6057095697741676 This publication is proudly presented by Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN), Pamalakaya – Philippines, and People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty (PCFS).

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Activists, CSOs bolster call to reject RCEP in Bali negotiations

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Carrying placards calling for the rejection of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP), activists managed to slip past the tight security of Nusa Dua Complex in Bali, Indonesia to conduct a protest in front of the Bali International Convention Center where the RCEP Trade Negotiating Committee is holding its 25th negotiation round. Joining the […]

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Mega-FTAs and its implications on Asian workers

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“The consequences of mega-FTAs on trade, labor and employment is much shown in many developing countries where, in order to maintain competitiveness, must adhere to “lowest common denominator rules” rather than meeting the highest possible standards. Recent developments in trade liberalization have permitted monopoly capitalists to dictate the cheapest value of labor and other production facilities, thereby disregarding decent standards, to accumulate bigger profit.”

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RCEP: India must uphold peoples’ rights and welfare

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After 22 negotiation rounds and several missed deadlines, the 10 ASEAN countries and their 6 free trade partners will meet again in July 2018 to try and move forward the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. While India’s hard stance on certain issues like tariff reduction has been a big factor in slowing down the past […]

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Changed acronyms, same neoliberal ruse: The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership

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by People Over Profit     The struggle to stop the Transpacific Partnership Agreement continues amid efforts to revive the zombie free trade deal. On Nov 11 2017, a new accord between 11 members of the Transpacific Partnership Agreement came out with a ministerial statement calling for the revival of the free trade deal following […]

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Alert: Argentina bans Civil Society from WTO Conference in Buenos Aires

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Media Release Dec 1, 2017 Civil society slams Argentina’s repression of peoples’ voice at the WTO conference in Buenos Aires Global civil society network People Over Profit (POP) condemns the arbitrary last minute decision of the Argentine government to bar more than 60 civil society and peoples’ organizations from next week’s 11th World Trade Organization ministerial […]

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APRN Newsletter First Quarter 2017

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On this issue we cover the recently concluded APRN Biennial Conference, People Over Profit’s campaign against free trade agreements, the 7th year of the Istanbul Principles, CSO gatherings to tackle development effectiveness, and other network activities and updates.

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What is the RCEP?

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The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a mega-regional trade deal that covers half of the world’s population, 38% of the world economy and nearly 30% of the world’s trade volume.

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