US’ intensified pivot to Asia a threat to peace, hastens the possibility of outright war

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It is common knowledge that the United States has unapologetically been involving itself in the affairs of other nations. Their pervasive pursuit tIt is common knowledge that the United States has unapologetically been involving itself in the affairs of other nations. Their pervasive pursuit to secure their national interests has historically proven to be costly […]

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A future without WTO – Global day of action 2022

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JOIN the “A Future Without WTO” campaign of People Over Profit! A Future Without WTO: Advance the Peoples Trade Agenda (a webinar) June 3, 2022 | 20:00 Jakarta For more info:…/a.16013870…/2851043715196770/ Global Day of Action for a Future without WTO! June 12, 2022 | 20:00 Jakarta HERE’s HOW YOU CAN participate: Send us a […]

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Reclaim the rights, fight for genuine recovery and justice! Build solidarity with the workers and oppressed people!

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APRN May Day Statement The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) joins the working class across the globe in celebrating the International Day of Workers’ Movement. APRN salutes the healthcare workers and the economic frontline workers for dedicating their lives and keeping the economy from further collapse during the pandemic. The network continues to support the […]

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Biden bares true face by inviting Duterte, Modi, other tyrants in “democracy” summit says research group

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“We are not surprised but still appalled with the participation of repressive governments in this so-called summit for democracy by the US government. It only shows how the Biden administration’s promise of democracy and human rights is a sham,” says Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) in a statement, Friday.  This December 9-10, the United States […]

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Profit in the time of pandemic: How Big Pharma benefitted from the COVID-19 crisis, and why the TRIPS agreement should be scrapped

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The world is in dire need of vaccines. Close to two years into the coronavirus crisis, the global death toll has reached 5 million. Deaths are feared to be higher than recorded. Despite expedited development of vaccines for COVID-19, access to them remains limited, especially for low and middle-income countries. The monopoly of big pharmaceutical […]

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Biden’s AUKUS to further tensions, incite war in Asia Pacific says groups

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Research network, peace advocates warn of a catalyzed nuclear arms race amid AUKUS, US shift to Indo-Pacific The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) together with the alliance of peace advocates RESIST US-led War Movement (RESIST) are sounding the alarm over US President Joe Biden’s AUKUS which could further aggravate geopolitical tensions in Asia and the […]

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APRN statement on the 2021 IMF-WBG Annual Meetings

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We, the Asia Pacific Research Network, representing 56 organisations from 18 countries, are one with the fight against IMF-WBG and its anti-people agenda. For 76 years, the International Monetary Fund – World Bank has forwarded a corrupt and decaying brand of development which excludes the great majority of the world’s peoples.  Now, its touted “recovery […]

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APRN-RESIST joint statement on the AUKUS deal

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On September 15, the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia announced their newly forged trilateral military alliance– AUKUS. A stated aspect of the agreement is the modernization of military assets to address growing “security challenges in the Indo-Pacific region.”[1] The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) and the RESIST US-led War Movement (RESIST) consider the AUKUS […]

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Cutting thru lies: Dictatorships, disinformation and sacred cows

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We, the Asia Pacific Research Network, stand with the Filipino people in remembering the martial law and atrocities committed by the late Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos. The Network expresses its strong support for the Filipinos fighting for truth and democracy against tyrants.  Forty-nine years ago, Marcos issued Proclamation No. 1081, a declaration of martial rule […]

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APRN Research Conference 2019 compendium

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The Research Conference 2019 compendium is finally available! The People’s Resistance in a Multipolar World: Research Case Studies on Militarization and Conflicts in Asia Pacific is a compilation of studies made by People’s Organizations across the region. It has two main sections: (a) geopolitical & geo-economic dimensions of a multipolar world, and; (b) people’s resistance […]

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People’s resistance in a mutipolar world – Book launch

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This coming August 30, 2021 at 12nn, the Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) will hold an online press forum to launch People’s Resistance in a Mutipolar World: Research Case Studies on Militarization and Conflicts in Asia Pacific. This is a compendium which features research articles presented at the 2019 APRN Research Conference by people’s organizations […]

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Hands off Otto De Vries! Hands off EILER! — research group

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The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) strongly condemns the attack against our fellow researcher and trade union activist Otto De Vrie. The Philippine government cancelled his permanent visa and issued a deportation order to De Vrie because of his active participation in the labor rights  advocacy.  According to documents issued by the Philippines’ Bureau of […]

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Mid-term strategy of the United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP)

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We would like to invite you to join us on the upcoming Consultation 1/Mid Term Strategy of the United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) in the Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF) preceding the United Nation Environment Assembly 5.1 on February 9, 2021 from 16:00-18:00 Nairobi time. This event is the first of the four-part […]

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The corporate capture of dairy sector in Pakistan

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Presented by Wali Haider at the UNEA 5.2 | Included in the Goals 15 and Peoples Solutions Factsheets of Asia Pacific Peoples Forum on Sustainable Development Global trade policies in the world remain entrenched in neoliberalism, with the World Trade Organization (WTO) still holding a key position in implementing its imperialist trade liberalization policies. In […]

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Towards a pro-people economy and trade agenda Research Conference 2021

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The world economy has been living off stimulus package long since the global financial crisis in 2008.  Since then, the people of the world have been experiencing a worsening crisis due to joblessness, high prices, and continuing land grabs. Even economic giants such as the US, China, and Russia are ticking time bombs of recession […]

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APRN Newsletter – 3rd Quarter 2020

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Inside stories: 75 years after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings: Stand for peace amidst covert nuclear stockpiling How dams affected IP communities in Myanmar and the Philippines? A&E Reflections by Aaliyah Hasna In defense of investments: US hegemony in Asia Pacific

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Trade & investment policies during a pandemic: What does it mean for the Asia Pacific?

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The world has been experiencing the far-reaching impacts of decade-long neoliberal globalization. The liberalization of trade and investments allowed the proliferation and foreign corporate take-over of natural resources both in labor and environment. The privatization of public resources such as education, health, and basic social services has worsened the living condition of the people. Thus, […]

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Global day of action vs RCEP

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The negotiation for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement is nearing 9th year since its formation. It is the longest negotiated and largest yet mega-trade deal that will cover the two-thirds of the worlds labor population. It compromises of 6 negotiating countries such as China, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and, Japan with […]

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APF/ACSC 2020 opening statement

Stepping into the new decade, the world is confronted with a multitude of crises. COVID-19 has continuously exposed and exacerbated existing societal ills across the world: from the overall poor public health systems that are ill-equipped to contain health crises; the failure of the prevailing neoliberal economic framework in providing to those who most need […]

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Weaponized response of states to CoVID-19: Militarist trends in South Asia and Southeast Asia


The global spread of CoVID-19 has caused an unprecedented global health crisis, with the number of infections and fatalities exponentially increasing each day. Governments across the world, especially in the Southeast and South Asia region have implemented strict lockdowns, along with a mass deployment of troops and armed forces among urban and rural communities. Such […]

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Launching of International Peoples’ Research Network

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We are inviting everyone to join the global launching of the International Peoples’ Research Network (IPRN) on Thursday, 22 October 2020, [7:00 La Paz/13:00 Brussels/19:00 Manila]. To participate in the event, please click here: For your guide to your local timezone: In line with this, an online discussion entitled “Towards Transformative Approaches to […]

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[DID YOU KNOW] Sesan Dam

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The dam was first proposed by Asian Development Bank (ADB) in the 1990s to promote Cambodia’s hydropower potential, but dropped off when their 1999 report found the dam’s potential repercussions outweighed the benefits. But the Cambodian government in 2007 proceeded with the project with the support of Vietnam’s EVN International Joint Stock Company. In 2012, […]

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[DID YOU KNOW] Chico Dam

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The World Bank funded Chico Dam Project in 1965 was the Marcos dictatorship’s answer to the oil and power crisis of 1973. It threatened to displace 100,000 people, deluge sacred burial grounds and rice terraces. Different tribes united and rose against the dam and militarization it brought. The death of leader Macli-ing Dulag in 1980 […]

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[DID YOU KNOW] Bakun Dam | Sarawak, Malaysia

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As being one of the biggest in Southeast Asian region, did you know that Bakun dam is an inundated 700 sq. kilometers of forest and farms in Sarawak region in Malaysia? Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN), together with the International Indigenous People’s Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL), Asia Pacific Network of Environment Defenders (APNED) […]

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