“Profiteers at work”: APRN hits US trade and investment team’s ‘leg work’ in Southeast Asia


The US trade and investment mission led by the US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo arrived on March 11 in Manila, Philippines. The delegation is composed of 21 corporate leaders including technocrats and business executives from energy, engineering, communications, infrastructure, logistics, investment, and supply chain companies. The Philippine government celebrates the delegation’s two-day visit as […]

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[APRN Discussion Series] On imperialism and wars of aggression


Imperialism and wars of aggression: A case of 4 countries[1] INTRODUCTION Since the advent of civilization, the pursuit of economic and political power has led to the imposition and enforcement of authority over people and territories. This phenomenon, with eternal recurrence in the history of humankind, brought ‘states’ to existence. States of colossal economic, political, […]

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Harris visit threatens peace, aggravates rights situation in PH –APRN


New $100 million US military support to fund killings, rights abuses in the Philippines says research group The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) warns the public of greater escalation of human rights abuses in the Philippines amid the visit of US Vice President Kamala Harris to the southeast Asian country. “The US is currently preparing […]

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Groups from Asia Pacific stand for peace, vow to oppose impending war

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US’ intensified pivot a threat to the people of Asia Pacific, hastens the possibility of outright war says peace advocates Peace advocates from Japan, Australia, India, South Korea, and the Philippines gather to manifest their unity to oppose all kinds of imperialist aggression in the region. In a global press conference held in Manila, groups […]

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US’ intensified pivot to Asia a threat to peace, hastens the possibility of outright war

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It is common knowledge that the United States has unapologetically been involving itself in the affairs of other nations. Their pervasive pursuit tIt is common knowledge that the United States has unapologetically been involving itself in the affairs of other nations. Their pervasive pursuit to secure their national interests has historically proven to be costly […]

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On the implications of Kamala Harris’ SEA visit


On August 22-26, 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris visited Singapore and Vietnam with the so-called aim of strengthening economic cooperation between nations.¹ These state appointments are  nothing but doubletalk hiding behind diplomacy. Testament to this is the fact that lopsided trade deals, aid conditionalities, and military interventions are usually preceded by these visits. After former […]

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APRN in solidarity with South Korean people vs US THAAD missile defense system

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The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) supports the South Korean people in denouncing the proposed deployment of a United States anti-missile unit in their country. Citing so-called missile threats from Pyongyang, South Korea’s president Park Geun-hye recently announced plans to install the US-designed THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) anti-missile defense system in Seongju County, North Gyeongsang Province.

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