On September 15, the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia announced their newly forged trilateral military alliance– AUKUS. A stated aspect of the agreement is the modernization of military assets to address growing “security challenges in the Indo-Pacific region.”[1] The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) and the RESIST US-led War Movement (RESIST) consider the AUKUS as a threat to genuine security in the region. We stand in solidarity with the peoples of the Asia Pacific demanding that AUKUS be immediately scrapped.
The security pact sets its eyes on improving cyber capabilities, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, and other technologies. But, the most contentious initiative under AUKUS is Australia’s acquisition of, at minimum, eight nuclear-powered submarines through BAE Systems PLc.[2] The Australian Defence Force’s arsenal will also be augmented with Tomahawk Cruise Missiles, Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (Extended Range), Long-Range Anti-Ship Missiles (Extended Range), hypersonic missiles, precision strike guided missiles, and developing a sovereign guided weapons manufacturing enterprise. These enhancements are integrated into the existing military systems of the three countries in the region. These bolster the hundreds of military bases in the Asia Pacific region; the US-Australia Pine Gap base used for intelligence and drone strikes; the USS Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group recently sailing into the South China Sea; and Britain’s recent announcement that they will permanently station two warships in contested waters.[3][4][5]
The deal was made with “international rules-based order”in mind. They also claimed that AUKUS would contributeto the “peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.”
According to the joint statement by the leaders of the three AUKUS countries, the deal was made with “international rules-based order” in mind. They also claimed that AUKUS would contribute to the “peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.”[6] History, however, has taught us that these countries think “peace and stability” means manifest destiny; using their military might to influence world affairs to their favor. China, more than anyone, is aware that this new military alliance between and among its rivals is surely aimed at limiting China’s influence and economic control and directed towards neutralizing their military dominance over the region. China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson condemned the alliance’s “outdated Cold War zero-sum mentality and narrow minded geopolitical perception”.[7] Global Times, the Chinese Communist Party-owned international media outfit, called Australia a “running dog of the US” for its involvement in the “US-led strategic siege of China.” The Global Times’ editorial went on to assert that “if Australia dares to provoke China more blatantly because of that, or even find fault militarily, China will certainly punish it with no mercy.”[8] Both Washington and Beijing have given their continued fidelity to keeping the peace and avoiding war, but the advent of the AUKUS pact clearly aggravates tensions.
What is so important in Asia that key global players would risk compromising relations with allied countries and war with rivals? The answer is economic dominance and trade route control. The AUKUS countries would benefit from securing key supply lines away from global competitors. It would mean, siphoning the Global South’s natural resources, and further penetrating domestic markets of weak democracies where they can dump their surplus goods. In particular, the Straits of Malacca and the global superconductor shortage seem to be primary considerations for key global players’ deepened interest in the region.
China, more than anyone, is aware that this new military alliance between and among its rivals is surelyaimed at limiting China’s influence and economic controland directed towards neutralizing their military dominanceover the region.
The Straits of Malacca is a major waterway where “[a] quarter of the world’s trade, half the world’s oil, and two-thirds of its natural gas trade pass through”.[9] Specifically, “70 percent of Japan’s oil” and “80 percent of China’s trade” traverses the Malacca Straits. Anyone who can monopolize control over the waterway could dictate the flow of global commerce and use it to leverage further influence over rival countries.[10][11][12]
Moreover, the worldwide microchip shortage is causing major plunges across several industries such as automobile, smartphone, and computer component production. The automobile manufacturing industry anticipates a total loss of at least USD 60.6 billion for this year alone.[13] The shortage-induced economic downturns compounded with the alarming competitiveness of China in microchip production during the past couple of years are prompting Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) member countries (US, Australia, Japan, India) to improve their production processes. They recently expressed their intention to establish “a safe supply chain for semiconductors.” [14] For instance, Australia, as one of the leading sources of essential minerals for microchip production, is advised to further integrate with the supply chain. Meanwhile, the R&D-focused US receives the manufactured chips from East Asia and prepares them for distribution.[15] Certainly, the multi-billion electronics supply chain involving Australia and the US will benefit from the AUKUS military pact.
The economic objectives of the QUAD are buttressed by its military objectives, and here is where the AUKUS pact comes into full force. China’s claim to maritime territory of five different countries and territories (Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei) threatens the traditional economic corridors of the QUAD members. While China’s construction of military bases in the region is an existential threat to the US-led military dominance of the Indo-Pacific. AUKUS arrives as a technological upgrade to the military capabilities of the QUAD countries in containing China’s territorial expansion.The AUKUS pact has far-reaching implications that would introduce added friction in a region that is already tense from territorial disputes.
While some heads of state have spoken out against AUKUS, emphasis should be placed on the resistance of the people. Australia’s own anti-nuclear movement has registered their worries and anger over the sudden introduction of nuclear entities in their country, which they have repelled since the 70s. Citizens of countries in the Pacific have strongly condemned the use of nuclear systems in their territories due to apprehensions surrounding nuclear power’s intrinsic risks– one mistake can lead to extraordinary damage to the environment and the loss of countless lives.[20] The APRN and RESIST! stand in solidarity with the people of Asia Pacific not just in abolishing the AUKUS pact, but in dismantling all manifestations of imperialism in the region– may it be from the US, China, or any other country. We are uncompromising in our commitment to end all imperialist conflicts across the globe– putting an end to their insatiable hunger for Third world resources. In addition to opposing armed conflict, we are also devoted to establishing pro-people national economies in underdeveloped countries replacing existing neoliberal policies.
The APRN and RESIST! stand in solidarity with the people of Asia Pacific not just in abolishingthe AUKUS pact, but in dismantling all manifestationsof imperialism in the region– may it be fromthe US, China, or any other country.
The freedom and liberation of the Global South comes not just from the absence of war, but also from the presence of a sustainable, independent, and mass-oriented system of governance. Ultimately, we demand that China and the US and their allies respect and observe national sovereignty and patrimony of all nation-states. If they are truly sincere in ensuring regional “peace and stability,” then they must withdraw their military troops, assets, and bases from the Global South.
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