CPDE invites you to Breaking Ground and Taking Roots: The Istanbul Principles @ 7!

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In 2010, 200 CSOs from 82 countries adopted the Istanbul Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness as an affirmation of their commitment to improve and be fully accountable for their development practices. The gathering, which will be held on 30-31 March in Bangkok seeks to infuse new energy into that commitment as we continue to build on our victories in improving the effectiveness and quality of development work within the context of Agenda 2030. Seven years after, let’s come together to respond to the demand of realizing our full potentials as civil society actors.

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Call for expressions of interest: CSO days on Istanbul+7 Events Consultant


On March 2016, the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) in coordination with the CPDE Working Group on CSO Development Effectiveness (CSO DE WG) and the Asia Pacific Research Network will conduct the conference on the Istanbul +7.

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