Today’s crises exposed the effects of the neoliberal policy of the U.S.-led International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group (IMF-WB) on the people’s right to health and other socio-economic rights. But these institutions continue to work for domination of corporations in “development.” While the global South and their peoples are sinking even deeper in debt, they oppose cancellations and trap people’s futures in continued debt bondage. In a time when the exploitative world economic system itself is under question, they remain steadfast in defending it in the name of “recovery”. Even in a time of health and economic crises, the IMF-WB both forward monopoly capitalist interests.
As the IMF-WB hold their 2020 Annual Meetings, we will hold this webinar to tackle their continuing corporate-driven “development” approach and its “new” rhetoric on a post-COVID “economic recovery”–a business-as-usual for transnational corporations and creditor capital disguised as responding to the pandemic and its aftermath. More importantly, the webinar will highlight peoples’ and their organisations’ struggles in reclaiming their sovereignty, rights, and development, and forward people’s demands for people-centered economies in the context of the various crises today.
DISCLAIMER: This video was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union
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