The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN), in partnership with People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty – Global is holding the CSO DE subregional trainings this coming year as part of the APRN program titled “Building Capacity of CSOs/POs in Claiming their Right to Development and Sustainable Development.” This training will seek to gather CSOs and POs from Southeast Asia to integrate the process of collectively building their capacities on Development Effectiveness with the Istanbul Principles as the guiding framework.
Further, the sub-regional training aims to cultivate the practice of the Istanbul Principles to advocate for an inclusive and enabling environment for CSOs and POs at the country level as well as ensure effective development cooperation, genuine development, and social justice at all levels.
DISCLAIMER: This video was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union
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